
Christian Louboutin this year as it was the previous year

Unlike Christian Louboutin , which puts out clothing designs with a 20-minute lifespan, Gucci's rags were reasonably priced and classic. You Christian Louboutin could wear some of these things 20 years from now. Men's that normally retail for about $1,200 were $750 and lower. And although better deals on leather pants could be found in Florence, $450 isn't bad for some lambskin trousers emblazoned with the double G .The first stop was the popular Christian Louboutin outlet, which is actually called IPellettieri D'Italia. Like most of the other outlets we visited, it's in a bland-looking industrial park. It's in a town called Montevarchi, and it's easy to miss, especially if you're looking for a " sandales Christian Louboutin " sign. There is a small sign marked "I Pellettieri," but the best landmark is a Fina gas station directly across the street from the entrance to this shopper's paradise.

Once you get in, go for it. I've seen folks grab up to 10 at a time and hang on to them long enough to figure out which two they'll eventually purchase. You end up stalking the other customers. To make things easier on your limbs, employees will store your wish items at the counter until you're ready to part with your euros or credit cards. Also, once you make it inside the store, stay inside, because you might not get back in if there are lines outside.
It's important to arrive early; tour companies from Florence bus in hundreds of tourists throughout the day. If you don't, chances are you'll have to take a number and wait outside in a long line to get in. If the lines are excessively long, employees only allow 10 new customers in at a time.But at least there's a nice cafe where you can sit and wait your turn. A flashing sign will tell you when your number is up.

Although the merchandise wasn't as desirable at Christian Louboutin this year as it was the previous year, there was a nifty storewide, 20-percent-off sale. That made for some dandy bargains on merchandise that had already been marked down 30 percent. With the two discounts, I got a microfiber purse for about 50 euro (about $51). I also scored a nice woven leather for just over $200. The retail price for this at the Nieman Marcus in Beverly Hills was $465. Most at the outlet were priced between $50 and $1,200.
You could spend hours in Escarpin Christian Louboutin . We spent a full day here. Employees replenish the stock about every 30 minutes, and it takes awhile to sift through the new stuff and try on all those shoes, too. Although most of the shoes, in Christian Louboutin and Miu Miu labels, are from the previous season, who would know? Prices range from $112 to $168.

Other good deals here _ wallets ($74-$150) and sunglasses (around $60). Skip the clothes, however. These duds are overpriced and far too trendy for the average American. And in addition to being five minutes ago, it's hard to find anything larger than a size 2. My biggest regret? I couldn't find those sweet and comfy black loafers _ that retail for $300 at Neiman Marcus _ in my size. They were $90 here.

Hours: 9:30 am-7:30 pm Monday-Saturday; 10 am-1 pm and 2-8 pm Sunday. Call first because they sometimes make up their own hours. Also, it's best to come early in the week. That's when they put out the good stuff.

Located in Leccio, about 15 minutes from Bottes Christian Louboutin (there are signs) in a strip called The Mall, Gucci was the highlight of this year's shopping spree. With some items marked down 50 percent, I finally got Mom that black patent-leather Gucci shoulder ($150) she never said she always wanted, scored a suede-and-leather number for a friend for the same price and got myself a purple shoulder for $110
My quest to score some of those fab Gucci shoes, however, fell as flat as my feet. Nothing in my size. The classic Gucci loafers, which retail for about $200 in the States, were about $95; pumps ranged from $110 to $180; boots were about $200 to $220. There were also good deals on scarves, belts, wallets and day planners, all in the $50-$150 range.

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